Ever feel like you're shouting into the void on social media, only to hear your own echo bouncing back? Welcome to the club!
An echo chamber is defined as:
“An environment in which somebody encounters only opinions and beliefs similar to their own, and does not have to consider alternatives”.
Sounds kind of nice, right? Being around like minded people, not bothered by trolls.
Turns out, living in an echo chamber isn't as fun as it sounds. We're all stuck in our little bubbles, hearing the same things over and over, convinced we're right and everyone else is wrong.
Meanwhile, politicians are growing desperate in order to catch our attention, relying on quick sound bites to break through these bubbles. Trying to “unburden themselves by what has been”, to use a phrase that probably only makes sense to the people sharing my particular echo chamber.
The real kicker? It’s not even our fault. How are we supposed to trust the system when we're not even getting the same info? It’s like trying to apply the rules of Mario Kart to Street Fighter. I’m not sure Chun Li even has a driver’s license!
How to avoid echo chambers?
Maybe it’s time we pop our bubbles and start listening to each other – even if it means facing the terrifying possibility that... gasp... we might be wrong about something.
That’s what we’re doing with Clause Out.
We present policy in a plain language everyone understands, so you feel like you’re playing the same game as everyone else. That you might have a chance to convince someone to change their stance, because you yourself are encouraged to keep an open mind too.
Sep 17, 2024 9:10:55 AM